Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Eve Resolutions

I made a couple of New Years Eve resolutions this year. Basically they added up to continuing on my quest to lose weight and get healthier. I have been working on this for two years now. It has been quite a journey. Still, I need to keep looking for that motivation to continue.

I have days sometimes (like today) where all I want to do is sit down in front of the TV and eat potato chips and Cheezies. Sometimes it's a real struggle not to do just that. I did take advantage of the holiday season a bit and had a more in the way of desserts than I should have. I paid a bit of a price for that but it was worth it. Now I am back on track again.

To get past those days (like today) where I just want to eat, I think of days like yesterday. At karate class, I demonstrated my kata for the class. I was then given some corrections to work on by Sensei Laurie and Sempai Frank. I really like classes like that. Fine-tuning my kata really makes me feel like I am making progress. This is the kind of thing that motivates me to do things like turn down that donut and have an apple instead.

Winter can be difficult for me keep up my exercise routine. I don't know what it is. I just want to curl up in a blanket rather than run for 45 minutes on my treadmill. Doing my workout indoors may well be part of it. I really prefer doing my workout in the outdoors. It feels much more freeing. Sadly, there is not enough snow to cross-country ski yet, and in my area, running on icy, rural back roads could be a big mistake.

I will stick to my New Years Eve resolutions. I am told the best way to keep them is to tell someone what they are, so here they are:

1. Lose 15 more pounds (I like the idea of being able to say I have lost 100 lbs);
2. Stay in karate (an easy one - you've got to have one of those on your list)
3. Be able to do 5 proper chin-ups (I can't really do one yet)
4. Start writing my sci-fi adventure novel.

So, I wait for more snow, I wait for no snow, I wait for longer days and clear roads, but most of all, I do everything I can do to avoid those chips and Cheezies.

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